We, in humanity, will look at our 'feelings' or our 'behaviour' and try to stop or change them, rather than looking at what is going on underneath..what is causing us to feel or act that way. Sometimes you need an outsider to peek in and tell you what is happening underneath. We can get so clouded in what we are doing, that we are unable to see the underlying cause.
So many of the skills I teach people to train their own dogs, could easily be transferred to us - without much adjustment. I was in a Nutrimetics leadership meeting the other day and I realised that my motto for dog training which is "Consistency, Clarity, Calmness and Confidence" could easily pertain to business..or life in general.
What I found so interesting was that we compartmentalise so much, that I'd never really thought of the skills I have as a dog trainer being able to be transferred to other areas of my life. But that is what happens isn't it. You are a combination of all of your experiences, all of your jobs, all of your skills - even if you don't think they pertain to the current job. You can transfer ALL of your experience to any part of your life. Especially when you are dealing with people!

What skills do you have that are used frequently?
…Until Tomorrow xox
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