This weekend has been fabulous. It's been spent spending time with my family. Ive seen my brother for the first time in ages and yesterday was a day that was entirely free. So we had a cuppa by the lake, the girls got together for some facials and makeovers, then we went out for dinner, then finished the night with another beautiful birthday cake! I am so grateful and lucky to have such a beautiful and loving family! :)

My brother asked me over the weekend "what's your career?!" and I replied "My only career is to enjoy life". Sounds very abstract. But I feel it's true. I mean statistics say that we all will have at least 7 careers before our lifetime is over. So technically that's not a career if you change it, is it? It's a job. Now, I'm not saying that people who want a lifelong career in something aren't correct in wanting that. I'm saying for me, I now understand that I will probably never have that. I have the personality that wants to conintually try new things, explore and once I do something well, I want to have a go at something new.

To enjoy life. After my accident I vowed not to think so much (yes, it can be a serious downfall) and if something were to fall into my lap, I would say yes instead of thinking if it was meant to be or not. I still get some anxiety around this - thinking (haha!) that if I say yes to everything my new balanced life will be over-run with doing 'things' instead of enjoyment. But I keep reminding myself that if it doesn't work out, it's ok to say so and let go.
So tomorrow I am off to Mornington to pick up a dog for a beautiful company called "dogs for kids with disabilities" to begin his training, as hopefully an assistance dog. Buddy and I will have another dog living with us for around 6 weeks - and if all goes well we will continue to start a dogs training for awhile. Very exciting!
So be adventurous..say yes..experience something new!
…Until Tomorrow xox
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