Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 89

A bright, happy, sunny day! Spring is on its way, which means summer will arrive just as quickly too! :) There's something about a sunny day that puts a spring in your step and a smile on your face. You notice it everywhere! As you know my new philosophy is that if an opportunity arises to just say yes. (Well within reason obviously…you may need to say I'll think about it - especially with work!). 

Today I went on a beautiful lunch to a quaint hotel in the country. The drive there was fun and beautiful in itself - I had the sunroof open - just because I could! Lunch was yummy (and they were nice enough to cater for me being a vegetarian). Company was awesome. And the people watching was the best!

What was the best was that I was in a happy and sociable mood so I talked or smiled at everyone. It was just a lovely afternoon! I had this whole feeling of "I need to do work" which previously this would of been enough to stop me from enjoying my day out but what has changed is that I don't let that feeling of the 'to do list burden' ruin my day…if I am enjoying myself, work will wait (literally until tomorrow - big day!!) 

On the drive home I was thinking about that concept of you attract what you put out. I was smiley and happy today, which was mirrored in everyone I interacted with. Including my niece and nephew when I was babysitting them tonight - we had lots of fun making gingerbread houses!! Much easier to interact with people when everyone is smiling, and relaxed! It actually makes you happier!!

When I started this blog, one of the big things was to compliment a stranger everyday. Which I have been doing and it's become almost second nature. Which I love. This afternoon I took my niece and nephew into IGA. At the counter I commented on how lovely the attendant's eye make-up looked on her. She was really taken aback and not sure what to say (as I have said in the past - "thank you" is always the best!) and then said back to me "You have the most beautiful smile, and you always smile every time you come in here"!! How lovely! (Then it was my turn to be taken aback!) 

I like that reinforcement of your behaviour happens all the time, you just need to open yourself up to hearing it. And the best thing about compliments is when you give them expecting nothing in return, you will receive them when you least expect it!! And the compliment will most likely make your day! (Just as yours has done to someone else previously!)

Happy Friday!

…Until Tomorrow xox
Just because it is cute! :) x

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