Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 123

Christmas! I know it still seems like its MILES away…But 10weeks is not long! I'm sooo excited! I love Christmas!

A lot of people I talk to are much like "Oh I don't like it" or "It's just a commercial thing" or "I can't afford christmas". To this I respond that Christmas is not about giving expensive gifts or getting caught up in the 'commercial' sense. Christmas is what you make it. I love giving presents and start shopping from new year! But aside from that Christmas time (not just the 'day') is the opportunity to spend quality time with my friends and family and let them know how much my appreciate them. And the christmas carols all tell a sweet story, and have a catchy tune, I love a Christmas sing-a-long!!

The responses I get when I say how much I LOVE Christmas fascinates me. Do you truly believe that it is a commercial, made-up holiday? If so, do you still give presents, set up a christmas tree and have a big dinner? Have you really sat down and reflected upon what Christmas means to you? Or is it a knee-jerk response? It's interesting how often we will say things that society has deemed to be 'normal' and not give it a thought. 

My thought is - regardless of religion, family or society influences or any other outside opinions - for you to stop and reflect what Christmas time means to you. Do you like the fact you get 2 weeks off work for a break? Does it truly not mean anything to you? If it doesn't - why? Is that really your opinion or someone else's? Be careful that your opinions and morals aren't swayed or made in response to outside influence. 

Take some time - not just about Christmas but about all aspects in your life- to stop and get in touch with what you believe in. 

…Until Tomorrow xox

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